+ kenapa +
Selamat malam sume, yup and i know u will read this, i write it for u, its been a while now, kan we said to each other, we let go n forgive both of us, pisah cara baik, xnk musuh2. U r not my enemy, u ma love ones kan. We break off each other bcoz we not suit, i tell u now, tipu if i x syg u, 2 years is not sekejap, lama, i made this decision sbab kita x ngam, if im in da wrong side pun jgn la maki2 mcm tu, itu syg ke, all my frens been asking me what happen, 😔 i syg u, tp mcm mana, kita asek gadoh, kluar je u tarik muka, even ada syg tp kalo kita asek bertelagah mcm mana tu. 😔 tlg la jgn mcm ni. N for ur information im still single, x mcm u yg mrh2 i tp u got new bf. Xpe i ok asal u happy, u nk jmpa umi n abh n all my family ok boleh jmpa, dorg x mrh u pun, umi pun rindu u, cuma i ckp jgn contct i sbab i nk bg kita reda dulu, n mmg i plan nk bg phone u ni sbab phone ni mhl sgt, so i wait nk kumpul duit beli new phone, xnk musuh, kita boleh jadi kwn kan, td bincang ngan abh n umi, dorg ckp dorg anggap u da mcm anak sendiri, u boleh dtg jmpa dorg kalo nk,
I thought we could be frens, but it seems things jd worst. Bcoz all things takes time kan. Sabar la. U ada new lover its good for u. I x mrh, i nk u happy n bahagia, truly from my heart, tp jgn caci maki i smpai mcm tu. Minta maaf sgt2. I need time for myself, hope u phm. Jgn pernah buang all frens n family yg u knal dr i, u got family problem abh n umi sanggup bg u dok sini sbab nk bg u rasa how family love u. N what i see they still ok nk jmpa u. Hope u happy . Sorry for everything. I thought its da best way. :(
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